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Writer's picture: Home Affair MetricsHome Affair Metrics


Home Affair Metrics (HAM) is a pure Networking System which you earns by referring. HAM gives out numerous items such as Cars, Electronics/ Electrical Appliances such as Plasma Televisions, Computers, Generators, Gas Cookers, Washing Machines, Freezers, Air Conditioners, Androids Phones, Food Stuffs such as Bags of Rice/Beans, Chickens, Goats, Cartons/Packs of Indomie/Spaghetti, etc., and Cash according to your Metric, Stage, and Step.

There are Six (6) Metrics, Three (3) Stages, and Three (3) Steps in every Stage in the Six Metrics in our Home Affair Metrics.

To get to the last Step of Stage Three (3) of any of your Metric, all registered members under you (downlines) at their Entry Point must equally refer people according to their Metric: (Metric1&2 - 4 people; Metric3&4 - 3 people; and Metric4&6 - 2 people). Therefore, it is also your responsibility to help build your downlines at all levels, because, you can not get to another Step or Stage without you downlines completing their referring. It is their referring that makes you grow like a wild fire burning bush in a dry season.

You and your downlines must share phone contact to keep in touch in referring people, as people will be approaching you to participate, knowing that, you can not register more than number of people as designed in your metric under your name, except, you have more account in any of the Metrics.

METRICS: There are Six (6) Metrics in Home Affair Metrics and each with a prescribed Registration Charge.

STAGES: There are Three (3) Stages for registered member to pass through before the end of the Metric.

STEPS: There are also Three (3) Steps in each of the Stages on each Metric in Home Affair Metrics; each has empire benefits.

ENTRY POINT: Each interested person must first register at Entry Point. There is no benefit at your Entry Point.

Approved before published by

Managing Director/South South Manager

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